Thursday, December 2, 2010

Introducing ... ♥ SHARED DREAMS by MsPIGgii ♥

Hi All,

Firstly I'd like to thank you for stopping by and reading my blog.

Those who know me will have heard me blabbering on and dreaming about a >>KAWAII Wonderland<<, a place for >>ALL THINGS KAWAII<<. This space will allow me to share bits and pieces of my dream come true with others sharing similar interests and a passion for >>ALL THINGS KAWAII<<.  ^_^

My name is Lisa, and I’m a craft-a-holic!! heheh…There really isn’t a limit, from DIY sewing, knitting, paper craft projects, creating odd recipes to self-installation goodies from IKEA (love love IKEA!!) I just really enjoy making stuff and the sense of achievement you feel seeing something through from beginning to end. My most rewarding project to date is probably re-tiling a whole crumbling bathroom wall years ago. Everyone thought I was nuts for not calling a professional but I proved them wrong. I saved the family money and had so much fun in the process. It was like a combination of icing a cake and paper mache heheheh…

I recently got back into sewing after a close couple we knew had their first child. I wanted to get the little bubz something special but was dead broke. I did a lot of research on DIY baby gifts and came across a gorgeous free teddy bear pattern by Pauline @funkyfriendsfactory. All you need to do is subscribe and download her free pattern. Try it out! Guarantee you will love it.

DIY Newborn Baby Gift

I added a little bell to the stuffing to make it rattle. It was absolutely gorgeous and was the perfect size for a newborn. It is very simple and affordable to make. Family and friends were so impressed they all wanted little cuddly rattling bears for that special little precious one in their lives. The next thing I knew I had about 12 requests within 2 weeks. I also made another version with a message bottle hidden in the teddy's tummy. Perfect way to deliver a secret message to that special someone. I called it the Love Messenger Bear. The feedback I received was fantastic.

Love Messenger Bear

I was inspired!! The can of worms was opened :P Every pay day I was either at Lincraft or other fabric stores looking for kawaii prints and accessories. My bedroom is now filled with all sorts of goodies and my head is overloaded with kawaii ideas and projects. Stay tuned for updates and check out my store on Madeit or Etsy for completed projects okies. Feel free to comment. I’d love to hear your ideas, advice, thoughts and feedback.

Until next time…



  1. Hi my lovely, just wanted to contact you before rushing out! Thanks for your comment on my made-it store - tried to send an e-mail but no address! Could you pop contact details using my e-mail on Blogger? Would love to send my e-mail - nothing bad at all, just thanking you for the constructive feedback and I will do something about it! eek, must go this is getting to be a long message and I'm late!! oops!! blessings, Larissa x

  2. Hi Lisa!!!
    Your Funky Friends Factory toys have turned out amazing! No wonder your family and friends are so impressed - I am!!!

    I think your Love messenger bear is such a clever idea, you are so creative! Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

    Bye for now,
